Our word of the year for 2021- TRUTH
Choosing a word of the year and being intentional

I love reviewing the year and planning ahead, and mostly love reading people’s New Year resolutions. 2020 was so wacky, that I found it very hard to plan for 2021.
However, I did set some intentions, and mostly: our 2021 word of the year.
Drum roll, please!
Our word of the year is TRUTH.

Truth, our word of the year
This year, through multiple cases, I had to look deep into Aravrit’s true essence and what is true for the way I want to lead it.
I previously shared how Aravrit to me is like a tree, with a strong ground and a trunk (the concept and design) with branches growing in multiple directions, in different lengths.
I was being very honest about what grows on these branches: the leaves, the flowers, and the fruit. They are so varied and modified by seasons. They are unpredictable. They are surprising. And they change.
This year, I want to be looking at every new opportunity, every new design or project through the TRUTH word. Is this what we should be doing? It is what is really true for Aravrit?
I will ignore the shiny objects and be very mindful about the long term.
I will think through and search for the true meaning of Aravrit.
I will also use the Truth necklace as a daily reminder for this.
As you probably know, Aravrit is more than a business. It’s a life mission. And as an integral part of my life, I want to take the truth with me on a daily basis.

Last year’s word of the year – Notice
Last year’s word was NOTICE. I talked about paying attention to what we see, looking at the details, and noticing what’s around us. I wanted to reflect on the act of ignoring the Arabic that sparked the concept of Aravrit. I also wanted to grow the conversation on how much we notice what is around us, our streets, our lives. We definitely noticed some things in 2020: noticed our homes and got comfortable with staying in, noticed that we aren’t flying anywhere (I did notice it but to this day I find it hard to accept).
I’m looking forward to seeing how Aravrit’s word of the year will blend into the unknown paths of 2021, and feel very confident in this focus I want each and every day to have.
Here are some truths that are currently on the (virtual) shop shelves:

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